Wednesday, March 5, 2008

lollapalooza gold rush

OK y'all. Here goes...

Now this year, as you all probably are well aware, those in charge of lollapalooza have decided to announce the discount 3-day passes on their website instead of announcing it through email announcement, they call it the lollapalooza gold rush.

This does not work out so great for me because, although I can reply to an email within 5 seconds, I don't have the time to log on to the website every 10 minutes to see if they have posted the link.

For all you music fans out there who know that $60 for 3 days of lola is a ridiculous deal, I know that you'll appreciate what I am about to do for us...

The purpose of this blog is to serve as a mechanism to announce to me and everyone who subscribes to this blog when the link to the $60 becomes available and the lollapalooza gold rush is in full effect.


If you decide to get involved in this ploy you must understand that it will only work if all of us continue to check the lola site a couple times a day AND if you should see that link (after you click on it, of course) send an email to me at so that I can post it to this blog and alert the rest of our community that the tickets are now on sale.

The way I see it, the more you all twitter this post and draw attention to it, the better the chances we have at winning the lollapalooza gold rush. Even if half the people who received the email from lola subscribe to this blog, we all have better chance than the half of people who know about it.


P.S. This is in no way an offical lola sponsored site, just something that I came up with to help like-minded people increase their chances of getting those passes.


Rachel said...

Great idea! thanks

The Kmac said...

i just called the FrontGate Tickets' phone number:
and they said "if you are a member of the Lollapalooza email list, you WILL get an email when tickets go onsale." HUH?

Rachel said...

That is just telling us that an email will go out to everyone subsribed to Lolla email alerts when tickets are available. That's thousands of people. The hope is that what the announcement said on the boards is true - a message will be sent, or opportunity available, earlier to those on the message boards.

CrashTheOwl said...

that email might be the gold rush notification already sent out.

Rachel said...

hugh? the email said to stay tuned. What email are you talking about?

CrashTheOwl said...

The Lollapalooza Souvenir Ticket Rush
email sent out to the masses on the lolla fan list sent yesterday(tuesday) morning

The Sentinel said...

the email said to check the website to find the link. the whole point is to get a lot of repeat traffic to the site. it's against their interests to send an email notification, they would rather have people keep visiting the site. it's not like they are going to have trouble getting rid of $60 passes.